Wwe 2k16 More Reversal Slots

08-31-2015, 08:46 PM #32
All Star

OVR: 23
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by DylanBetts23
I'm sure this is a silly question, but on 2k15, say I download a alternate Dean Ambrose attire and assign it to his in-game character, if I overwrite that slot with another downloadable wrestler then Ambrose's outfit will be removed, correct?
Yes, once you save over that slot, the alternate attire is gone. I wish we could add alternate attires without burning a save slot on them. It would be a lot better if the devs just provided more alternate attires for guys to help combat that problem.
The return of Superstar Threads would be great as well. One of the best examples of the use of that is Bret Hart. Bret had a TON of alternate attires that reflected the different attires he wore in his career. There are a lot of differences in the attires he wore over the years. If they gave us something like that for everybody on the roster Superstar Threads could really eliminate a lot of the need of creating entirely new versions of guys.
For example Triple H. If you give me one attire for Triple from the Attitude Era, I would need to burn a save slot or two creating multiple looks for him because they only gave him one attire. If they gave him say four attires I could use Superstar Threads to make an additional four attires for one of those original four different attires. I could make an original DX era Triple H who's tights are significantly different than the tights he wore after he took over as leader of DX and I could make four different colorways of that attire saving me the CAW spots I would have to use to make those tights if they only included one attire of his that wasn't that one. I'm hoping this is the year they hook us up. At least get it in next year please lol.

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Oct 27, 2015  Metacritic Game Reviews, WWE 2K16 for Xbox One, Offering more than 120 unique playable characters, including cover Superstar Stone Cold. Jan 24, 2019  WWE 2k19 Slider Thread. I have edited all wrestlers so most only have the 2 reversal slots with some at 3 so this might not work as well with the default roster and 4 or 5 slots some of them have. I like the 2 or 3 reversal slots on my guy so there is more strategy on when to use them especially with the slower recovery rate.

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