Available Time Slot For Meeting

I am trying to schedule multiple 30 minute phone conferences using Outlook.Available

It's like a calendar application suggesting possible meeting timinings. Example: Person1: (4 - 16), (18 - 25) Person2: (2 - 14), (17 - 24) Person3: (6 - 8), (12 - 20) Person4: (10 - 22) Time interval when all are available: (12 - 14), (18 - 20). Please share any known optimal algorithm to solve this problem. I am thinking of the following solution.

Time Slot For Meeting Email

Instead of sending out a blanket email with a list of time slots and then waiting for everyone to respond back then manually schedule individual meetings is there a way I could send out a request with all recipients then the allotted recipients simple chose the time they want to have the meeting? Each time a time slot is taken a request goes out, leaving the next available time slot or previous time window open for another user to chose from?Meeting

Memory Slots Available

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